
The Beginning

I was born one cold winter day in Bucharest Hospital, Romania. It was around 11am on the 11th of January. I almost died, as i had the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck. I was in intensive care for a little. No, i have no memory of this, my mother told me.

The earliest memory i have is my 4th birthday. For some reason i was really upset, and so when it was time to blow the candles, i blew them with my nose. Of course i wouldn't expect people to still wish to eat it, though i think they did... I remember feeling so short, everyone was so tall. My birthday was celebrated in Miercurea Ciuc, a Hungarian inhibited area of Romania (they still have disputes to whether that part is Romanian or Hungarian territory). That was where my dad's parents lived.

I can no longer speak fluently Hungarian to them, though i do remember how to speak a simple conversation. As soon as i learnt English, i forgot Hungarian. Apparently when i was little and learning to speak, i would mix Romanian with Hungarian and thus would confuse my mother. That would be quite humorous to see a young child confusing their parent through speaking more languages than them.

I only remember mere fragments of my life. Most of my memories lie in a small town called Urlati. That is where my great-grandmother lives. My grandparents have also moved there now (mother's side). The street is where life thrives. All my friends congregate there. Younger children during daylight, and as it gets later in the day, those my age appear as well. It's awesome! My friend Alexandra always sticks by me. The guys are quite odd.

I remember when i was about 5, for my birthday i received a mug and a bike. My neighbour Adrian whom is 4 years older than i was helping to teach me how to ride it by walking backwards ahead of me. I remember shouting to him to move or I'd run over him. He was a funny character. I remember i was once on a log in my great-grandmother's garden and my friends were just leaving. He was at the end and on his way out the gate... he leaned over. Eyes shut. Closer. Closer. *SLAP!* I was scared, come on, i could not handle a first kiss. My great-grandmother just laughed. His cheek was red and he called me a bitch. At the time i didn't know what that word meant. Though the funny thing is... he still likes me to this day. Poor thing, i don't feel the same about him.

Back to the topic about kissing. For a long time i actually thought you could get pregnant from it! I don't know i guess i misinterpreted the images with the Fallopian tubes, thinking they lead to the temples and yeah the mouth was like the vagina. I was an odd child, yes.

I remember when i was in year 1 (so about 6 years old) my neighbours Christina and Florentina told me to steal a cigarette from my grandfather, so i did and i smoked for the first (and last) time. It was terrible! I just coughed and coughed! I can't see how people get addicted to it! Oh don't worry, my mother knows of this, strangely enough, she did the very same thing at the same age as well. Must be in our blood.

The only thing i remember about Romanian schooling was the writing. Everything was written with ink (there was a little jar of ink on the windowsill and you would refill your quill there) also everything was done in "running writing". This is year 1! I mean come on! When i came to Australia we only started to join our letters in year 5. Also, we never use ink. Always pen. So simple!

Okay so fast forward a little. Moved to Australia in August 1999. On the plane i apparently just spoke to a girl my age who was sitting in front of me English as if it was my first language. I had only learnt English from school (not that much) and watching Cartoon Network ^ ^ So yeah we stopped in Vienna, Austria for a little. Slept there, had pizza i think. Didn't stay very long. So Austria was the first country i had visited. Then arrived in Australia and lived with a family friend for a while. He wasn't very nice, no one likes him. He's very selfish. Though at least he let us stay with him for a little... then he was like "When are you going to move out?!" So yeah...

That's my life up until i was to begin schooling here in Australia.

Welcome to my Life

Well this shall be the introduction to this site. I've decided to share the story of my life on the Internet. I've lived quite an interesting life, having witnessed many extraordinary things. I'm not quite sure how to start it, how to write it all. Not even sure if i should make it fictional to add some more excitement. I think i may tell the story of my life, as well as over emphasising and adding some drama. You'll never know whether the things i write ever actually happened or if they were real, thus i can truly tell all.


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